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Yay! You're all signed up for the Mommy Tummy Makeover Mini Course!
Congrats on taking your first step towards healing your mommy tummy!
But if you're ready for more than just a quick win or two...and you'd like an actual kick start plan for getting rid of that mommy pooch...Keep Reading!

There are so many "fitness gurus" in the online space right now feeding moms with ALL KINDS of incorrect, harmful, and misleading information when it comes to getting a flatter tummy and your core strength back after baby. 

All of the typical exercises like planks, crunches, sit-ups, and leg lifts that you've been told to do before by other fitness trainers to help you achieve a flatter tummy WON'T make your mommy pooch disappear. 

You NEED a plan that is created specifically for postpartum women...not the general population.
The No More Mommy Tummy: Postpartum Corrective Exercise Guide will give you the kick start you need to get started on the road to getting your core back after baby!
"So your program is amazing. My diastasis went from a little over a 3 to a little over a 1. I lost 2.25” in my waist and 1.25” in my hips.  While the results are great and having me feel more confident...the amount of knowledge I gained was amazing. It’s very obvious you have a passion for this because the information was so thorough and your support was great!  I can’t wait to keep applying what I’ve learned in to my workouts to continue building up the integrity of my core! Thank you Victoria! ❤️"
- Holea C.

Only $19
You Deserve Better! 
This is why I created the No More Mommy Tummy: Corrective Exercise Guide

This guide will give you the starting point you need in order to FINALLY rehab your core after having a baby...and get rid of the mommy pooch!

Knowledge is power, but without any sort of action it's useless, AND since you took the time to enroll in the Mommy Tummy Makeover Mini Course, you must be serious about finally getting your core back after baby!

Plus...let's face it...paying for a one-on-one certified personal trainer to help you heal your core can cost up to $150 an hour!

But now, you have a better alternative. I created the Corrective Exercise Guide as an extremely valuable kick start plan to help you get started with healing your abdominal separation!    
Remember...you can get my No More Mommy Tummy: Corrective Exercise Guide for 43% off!!
Only $19
Inside the No More Mommy Tummy Guide, you'll receive...

Step 1: Self-assessment guidelines that will teach you how to check yourself for abdominal separation, the degree of your separation, and what to look for in terms of abdominal separation healing.

Step 2: Three core workouts focused on healing your abdominal separation.  These workouts are totally doable, even for the busiest of Moms! You only need a few minutes a day. And once you start feeling and seeing the benefits, trust me, you won’t want to stop!

Step 3: Along with your core workouts, you will need to learn these additional exercise and lifestyle guidelines to increase your chances of healing your abdominal separation even more...because healing takes more than doing just a few exercises everyday.

Step 4:
Video and written instructions are included for each workout and exercise as well as a weekly calendar and daily checklist, so you have a plan of action and know exactly what to do everyday!

Step 5: 
It's one thing to work on your core muscles, but if they remain hidden underneath abdominal fat then you'll never see the results of all of your hard work.  That's why I am also including the No More Mommy Tummy nutrition guide and meal planning template to kick start your postpartum weight loss, reduce inflammation, reduce bloat, and improve your overall health and gut bacteria..all of which also play HUGE role in eliminating the mommy tummy.
Who Am I?
I’m Victoria, and I’m the founder of Fit To Her Core.

I help moms to get strong and heal their bodies, so they can safely return to the activities they love doing with confidence!

I want the best for you, and I’m tired of seeing moms receiving poor postpartum recovery advice, and dealing with injuries that are entirely preventable, prolapse that worsens months after birth, abdominal separation that just won't heal, and nagging back and hip pain from simply lifting your kiddos.
Some of the common mistakes I see with women trying to get back into shape after baby is doing endless crunches and sit-ups to get rid of their mommy pooch. This can make an abdominal separation (aka Dastasis Recti) even worse and signifigantly decrease your overall core strength.

Along with the endless amounts of sit-ups and crunches, many moms are doing jumping exercises and high-intensity workouts that promise to burn the baby fat like yesterday!🙄

Unfortunately, without a solid foundation of core strength and function, these programs can cause significant harm to both your abs and pelvic floor.

My goal is to help you build lasting core strength and function without getting hurt. That’s why I started my online coaching programs to help moms safely prepare for pregnancy, labor, and delivery as well as recover postpartum. I want every mom to have the solid and vital postpartum recovery education and support that I never had after my first pregnancy.

I want you to know that I get you and understand many of the same struggles that you’re going through with your body right now because I’ve been through many of the same as well:  
  • Wanting to feel like yourself again in your postpartum body.
  • ​Dealing with abdominal separation after all three of my pregnancies.
  • ​​Being confused about how to safely rehab my core after pregnancy and get my abs back. 
I'm only specialize in postpartum core reconditioning and pre/postnatal fitness, I' m also a mom.  I know exactly what you're going through because I’ve been there too! 
What Other Moms Are Saying About The No More Mommy Tummy Guide! 
"Thank you so much for your help and insight! Really appreciate you genuinely helping me out. It’s always a little nerve racking to purchase programs from trainers/professionals online knowing it’s a gamble if the professional will be helpful on an individual level. So thank you!" 
 - Caycee W. 

"Thank you so much for the wonderful content! I love all the helpful information and workouts you have shared in this guide!  My abdominal separation is closing and my core is getting stronger since I started your workouts!
- Alyce E.

Hi Victoria! Thank you so much for all the information you provided in the No More Mommy Tummy Guide.  I always thought I needed to completely be sweated out to have a great workout but I know that’s not always the case now since starting your workouts in the guide!
 - Alyssa S. 

"Thank you for this guide!  I love the workouts as they are easy to do and do not require too much equipment."
- Marcia N.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q.  I've just had my baby. When can I start?

A.  Depending on how you are feeling, you can typically start within 2-3 weeks after either type of delivery (vaginal or C-section). No More Mommy Tummy Guide is suitable for both vaginal and C-section births.

Q.  I had my baby a few years ago. Can I still do the program now?

A.  Absolutely! This program is beneficial for both new and seasoned moms. It's imperative that we continue working on maintaining the strength and function of our core and pelvic floor.

Q.  I'm a busy mom without a lot of extra time on my hands.  Exactly how many workouts are there and how many exercises are in each workout?

A.  I know exactly what you're dealing with being a mom of three myself.  I've got ya covered!  There are three workouts that you can rotate throughout the week, and the beautiful thing is that each workout only has 3 moves.  Total time saver!

Q.  Is there some kind of plan that I can follow because I have to total mom brain most days of the week and just need to be told what to do?

A.  Absolutely!  Got you covered there too.  I've also included a weekly checklist to help you focus on which lifestyle habits to practice throughout your day as well as a weekly calendar, so you know exactly which workout to do on which day of the week.

Q.  How long are the workouts? How often should I do them?

A.  The workouts will only take you about 10-15 minutes per day. Your goal is to get the routine done every day, if possible.

Q.  Can I still do this program if I am already doing another workout program? 

A.  Absolutely! I will want you to make sure that you incorporate it into your current routine, as well as do it as a form of recovery exercise on your non-training days.

Q.  What sort of equipment do I need for the workouts?
A.  A stability ball, and a small inflatable Pilates ball...or you can even use a Yoga block or a rolled up towel...that's it!
30-Day Money Back Guarantee!

This program combines my knowledge, my experience working with many moms, and my own pregnancy and postpartum experiences to develop a restorative and holistic exercise program that is seriously needed for postpartum women.
I have given you my absolute best work and effort with No More Mommy Tummy: Postpartum Corrective Exercise Guide . All I ask from you is that you follow the plan and give your best effort as well. If for some reason you’re not fully satisfied with the guide, I will refund you within 30 days of the purchase date.

So, what are you waiting for?!

This is completely risk-free...

I am here to help you recover and get rid of your mommy pooch...the right way!
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